Royal Navy to use AI in its new programme

The Royal Navy has recently announced its plans of creating the ‘Future Autonomous Fleet’ programme, which would include self-driving boats, AI drones, and underwater transports.

Indeed, the proposals were developed by young engineers for a design challenge for UK Naval Engineering Science and Technology (UKNEST). The programme would then give the Royal Navy high-tech tools and weaponry so as to remain competitive.

One of these concepts is already being developed, the Persistent Operational Deployment Systems (PODS), which would be shipping container modules that can be attached and removed flexibility amongst the Navy’s fleet. These modules aim to include self-driving boats, drones as well as medical equipment.

The ultimate goal of these new proposals is for the Royal Navy to be able to adapt quickly to any situation and deal with threats of all kinds. However, the use of AI for warfare is very controversial and raises many concerns.


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