Facebook to invest in European tech talents in order to develop the metaverse

Facebook has recently announced that it would be investing in metaverse talents and create around 10.000 new high-skilled jobs in Europe over the next five years.

Indeed, the metaverse is a new phase of interconnected virtual experiences that uses technologies like virtual and augmented reality. By doing so, the company is hoping to create new opportunities in Europe, as well as further investment in product and tech talent, which should lead to more growth in the business. This should strengthen the European tech industry and its tech talent.

The company believes that European talent is world-leading, especially in emerging technology such as artificial technology and virtual reality. It is then safe to assume that the EU will play an important role in shaping the new rules of the internet. European policymakers are now leading the way in helping to embed European values such as free expression, privacy, transparency, and the rights of individuals.

Finally, Facebook stated that it needed highly specialized engineers in order to start its journey with metaverse. It is hoping to invest more in European talent and continue to innovate across the world.


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