Dr. Patricia Scanlon was recently appointed as Ireland’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ambassador in order to drive global competitiveness and productivity.
Indeed, the Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital, and Company Regulation has chosen Dr. Scanlon to lead a national conversation on the role of AI as well as commit to an ethical approach to the use of AI, especially in business. She will be using her experience and expertise to demystify artificial intelligence and help enterprises embrace it fully.
Dr. Scanlon believes that AI can lead to positive impacts on businesses and society and will help Ireland become a leader in advocating for and adopting an ethical approach to AI. To do so, she will be launching a National Youth Assembly on AI in September 2022 to engage with young people regarding AI and promote careers in technology.
Dr. Scanlon will be also working with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and the Enterprise Digital Advisory Forum (EDAF).