New AI software that can build protein structures faster

Scientists at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle have recently developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) software that can build protein structures faster.

Indeed, this AI-based software allows researchers to better understand protein shapes, and thus to speed up the development of new treatments for cancer, COVID-19, and other health problems. By using deep learning, it can predict accurately protein structures based on very little data. Without it, this kind of research can take years to determine while the software takes around ten minutes to complete it.

With the software, scientists have been able to compute hundreds of protein structures as well as generate structures directly relevant to human health, such as those associated with inflammation disorders or cancer cell growth.

The software, RoseTTAFold, was created by a team of computational biologists led by David Baker, professor of biochemistry at the University of Washington School of Medicine. The AI tool is also available worldwide and scientists have started to use it for their own research.


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