New AI software to detect students’ expressions in virtual courses

Intel has recently launched a new artificial intelligence (AI) software that can track students’ expressions.

Indeed, the program Class works with Zoom to be able to see and analyse students’ faces in real-time. Its aim is to detect if students are bored, confused, or distracted so as to give teachers additional insights and make virtual classrooms more engaging.

The software works by capturing images of students’ faces through computer vision technology and comparing them with psychological data and the current context. The AI software is trained in such a way that it is able to determine the emotion displayed.

However, the program requires students to have their cameras turned on, which can result in financial and social difficulties. What’s more, the actions to be taken by the teaching body if the software identifies a student as being bored, disengaged, or confused, is still unclear. Many teachers have expressed their opposition to technology.

As for now though, the AI program is still in the testing phase.

