Entry Process

Entering the Awards is a huge deal, and many amazing projects are reviewed every year. If you want to learn more about the entry process and behind the scenes, please see below:   

    • Entries open on the 12th of February, and they close on the 9th of October. You essentially have until the 9th of October to submit your entry which will be sent off to the judges for review. 
    • During judging week, a category or categories will be allocated to the most relevant judge based on their job function, experience, and/or request. 
    • Judges have a week in which to mark, review and send back all scores and feedback in advance of judging day. They use a scorecard like the one below. 
    • To make it through to the finals a minimum score must be achieved – if the minimum score is not reached the journey ends for that entry/company. 
    • Judging day is a collective meeting held virtually involving only the judges in a virtual/online location. The shortlist of the top two scoring entries across all categories is reviewed and all judges unanimously decide what entry is the winner. 
    • Finalists are usually announced a day after judging day and winners on the 27th of November at the gala dinner. 
Evidence of outstanding commitmentProof of excellent communication skillsEfforts to keep up-to-date with trends Evidence of a dedication to self training and improvementDemonstration of successful outcomesProof of engagement with the wider testing community
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
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Comments (please be descriptive - which were the two finalist entries and why? And why did the other entries not measure up?)

Finalist 1: Entry 1
Finalist 2: Entry 3
