Smart Hub Lanarkshire to offer advice on automation and robotics for SMEs

It was recently announced that Smart Hub Lanarkshire will be offering a series of free online events in order to incite small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to use more automation and robotics.

Indeed, the programme, which will begin on July 28th, aims to help SMEs explore the many benefits of robotic technologies. It will be centered around food and drink businesses so that they can introduce automation within their services.

The event will be hosted by experts in robotics and offer the available solutions to help the attendees make informed investment decisions. Smart Hub Lanarkshire wishes to provide support for manufacturing businesses so as to help them use these innovative technologies to develop and grow for the future.

The hub opened virtually in April and hoped to open physically at New College Lanarkshire’s Motherwell campus later in the year. It was also awarded a share of £15.8m of funding from the Scottish Government.


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