UK tech jobs to still have gender wage and diversity gap

It was recently found out that tech jobs in the UK have bigger wage gaps than in the US or Canada.

Indeed, a study by Hired showed that tech jobs in the UK have a 2.8% wage gap between male and female workers while tech jobs in Canada have a 2.4% gap and the US, 1.6%. Besides, women are also less likely to be offered interview requests than male candidates, as in 2021, female candidates were 13% less likely to receive an interview request than male candidates.

Moreover, despite the fact that women represent 19% of the potential candidate pool for tech positions, only 16.8% actually received interview requests. It is then essential that employers consider women more during the hiring process and give equitable salary offers. Otherwise, women will remain underrepresented in the tech sector.

Women are also often offered similar positions to men for a lower average salary. In 2021,61.8% of tech positions in the UK, US, and Canada offered women a lower average wage than men. Yet, it was noticed that female product managers are likely to be offered the same while women in DevOps will be offered around 7.5% less than their male counterparts.

This isn’t the only lack of diversity present in the industry as the BCS found out that only 8% of IT specialists are of Indian ethnicity, 2% from a black, African, Caribbean, or Black British background, and 2% from a Pakistani or Bangladeshi background. These minorities are also facing a major pay gap as white men are usually in higher-paid positions.


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